
Weekly Carnage!

So I first encountered the art of killing books (and the inspiration for this blog) when I started joining wedding websites to help plan my own wedding.  It amazed me how many DIY boards were obsessed with ripping apart books for the sake of wedded bliss!  So to start off the first of many Weekly Carnages to come, I submit my own murder!

I have an old 1960's copy of the Odyssey, written in Greek.  Why I bought this, I have no idea, but needless to say I could not find a use for it.  Seriously, it even sucked as a doorstop.  And now the murder scene:

Pomander, Boutonniere, and said Greek book somewhere in my studio

I ripped strips of the pages and just rolled them into roses.  I think it turned out quite nice, no?  It's going to be a Steampunk wedding, so I think these fit in very well :3

~The Captain

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